(Quasi-)Weekly Lab Meetings
Members of the lab and guest speakers present work in progress at regular lab meetings. Day of the week and times change depending on the quarter. If you are interested in presenting at a lab meeting, please contact David McNeill: dmcneill AT uchicago.edu.
Winter and Spring 2011 — Visiting Scholars
Anne-Therese Frederiksen and Caro Kirchhof

Anne-Therese is finishing her MA in Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen. Her thesis concerns viewpoint in gesture. Caro is a PhD Student in Psycholinguistics at Bielefeld University. Her thesis is on the perception of speech-gesture synchrony.
Autumn 2010 — Visit from Neal Norrick

Professor Neal Norrick, chair of English Philology (Linguistics) at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, visited the McNeill Lab. Visit his university web page here.
Summer 2010 — International Society for Gesture Studies Meeting
European University of Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany. Conference website; Conference Program Download [776.9 KB]; Abstract Book Download [8.9 MB].
McNeill Lab member presentation abstracts:
T. Baldenebro & S. Duncan, Discourse levels in narration and cinema: American versus Mexican culture. Download [61 KB]
A. Lawandow & T. Baldenebro, Popular television and cultural behavior: Mexican-Spanish and Iraqi-Gulf Arabic Download [82 KB]
J. Goss, Gesture in schizophrenia. (forthcoming).
Winter 2010 — Visit from Shakespeare's Globe
Tom Cornford and Farah Karim-Cooper of Shakespeare's Globe Theater visited the McNeill Lab to present on embodiment and performance.
Visit the Globe Education website here.
Summer 2009 — Linguistic Society of America Linguistic Institute 2009
Susan Duncan taught a course, Gesture and Language, beginning July 27th.

Visit from Geoffrey Beattie

Photo by Laura McGuire
Winter 2009 — Fieldwork in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates
Frederica Lipmann, Atoor Lawandow, and Susan Duncan spent eight weeks in the Middle East collecting natural language data from native speakers of Iraqi and Gulf-regional dialects of Arabic. Our main partner in this research is Professor Rima Aboudan of The United Arab Emirates University in Al-Ain, UAE. This fieldwork was funded by an NSF International Research Collaboration supplemental grant to the main grant, Dyadic Rapport Within and Across Cultures.

Fest and Festschrift for David McNeill
David McNeill's retirement from teaching was celebrated with a Fest Conference in 2003. The Festschrift in honor of his career was published in 2007. Click here to see photographs and learn more about the Fest conference and read the abstracts of the talks given.