McNeill Lab Publications

David McNeill

McNeill, D.(Current and earlier work on Research Gate at Search with 'David McNeill'.) .

McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (You can read a precis of of the book by clicking here).

McNeill, D. (2003). Pointing and Morality in Chicago. In S. Kita (Ed.), Pointing: Where Language, Culture and Cognition Meet. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF

McNeill, D. (2002). Gesture and Language Dialectic. Acta Linguistica Hafniesia. PDF

McNeill, D., Quek, F., McCullough, K.-E, Duncan, S., Furuyama, N., Bryll, R., Ma, X.-F., & Ansari., R. (2002). Dynamic Imagery in Speech and Gesture. In B. Granström, D. House and I. Karlsson (Eds.) Multimodality in Language and Speech Systems. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Pulblishers.

McNeill, D., Quek, F., McCullough, K-E., Duncan, S., Furuyama, N., Bryll, R., Ma, X-F., & Ansari, R. (2001). Catchments, Prosody, and Discourse. Gesture 1, 9-33.

McNeill, D. (2001). Analogic/analytic representations and cross-linguistic differences in thinking for speaking. Cognitive Linguistics 11, 43-60.

McNeill, D. (2000). Growth Points, Catchments, and Contexts. Japanese Journal of Cognitive Science (special issue on gesture, S. Kita, ed.), 7:22-36.

McNeill, D. (Ed.) (2000). Language and Gesture: Window into Thought and Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McNeill, D. & Duncan, S.D. (2000). Growth points in thinking-for-speaking. In D. McNeill (Ed.), Language and Gesture, pp. 141-161. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. PDF

McNeill, D. (2000). Catchments and contexts: Non-modular factors in speech and gesture production. In D. McNeill (Ed.), Language and Gesture, pp. 312-328. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

McNeill, D. (1999). Triangulating the growth point--arriving at consciousness. In Messing, L. S., & Campbell, R. (Eds). Gesture, speech, and sign , pp. 77-92. New York: Oxford University Press.

McNeill, D. (1999). Action, thought and language. Llyod, P. & Fernyhough, C. (Eds). Lev Vygotsky: Critical assessments: Thought and language, Vol. II. , pp. 23-30. Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.

McNeill, D. (1998). Speech and gesture integration. Iverson, J. M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (Eds). The nature and functions of gesture in children's communication. New directions for child development, No. 79. , pp. 11-27. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc, Publishers.

McNeill, D. (1997). Growth points cross-linguistically. Nuyts, J. & Pederson, E. (Eds.). Language and conceptualization. Language, culture and cognition, Vol. 1., pp. 190-212. New York: Cambridge University Press.

McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Recent McNeill Lab Dissertations

Parrill, F. (2006). Subjects in the hands of speakers: An experimental study of the relationship between syntactic subject and speech-gesture patterning in narrative discourse. Download a PDF of the abstract or first chapter.

Stam, G. (2006). Changes in Patterns of Thinking with Second Language Acquisition. Download a PDF of the abstract or first chapter.

Kimbara, I. (2005). Interpersonal influences on gesture production: Evidence for gesture form convergence across speakers in dyadic interaction. Download a PDF of the abstract or first chapter.

McCullough, K-E. (2005). Using gestures during speaking: Self-generating indexical fields. Download a PDF of the abstract or first chapter.

McNeill Lab Members & Friends

Alibali, M. W., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1993). Gesture-speech mismatch and mechanisms of learning: What the hands reveal about a child's state of mind. Cognitive Psychology 25, 468-523.

Cassell, J., McNeill, D., & McCullough, K.-E. (1999). Speech-gesture mismatches: Evidence for one underlying representation of linguistic and nonlinguistic information. Pragmatics & Cognition 7, 1-34.

Church, R. B., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1986). The mismatch between gesture and speech as an index of transitional knowledge. Cognition 23, 43-71.

Duncan, S. (2005). Discourse prosody in Taiwan Sign Language. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Taiwan Sign Language Linguistics, (special issue) Language and Linguistics.

Duncan, S. (2003). Gesture in language: Issues for sign language research. In K. Emmorey (Ed). Perspectives on classifier constructions in signed languages, pp. 259-268, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Duncan, S. (2002). Gesture, verb aspect, and the nature of iconic imagery in natural discourse. Gesture 2, 183-206.

Duncan, S. (to appear). Co-expressivity of speech and gesture: Manner of motion in Spanish, English, and Chinese. In Proceedings of the 27th Berkeley Linguistic Society Annual Meeting.

Gallagher, S., Cole, J., & McNeill, D. (2002). Social cognition and primacy of movement revisited. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6, 155-156.

Gentner, D., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (eds.). (2003). Language in mind: Advances in the study of language and thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (2003). The resilience of language. New York: Psychology Press.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (2003). Hearing gestures: How our hands help us think. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, in press.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (2002). Constructing communication by hand. Cognitive Development 17, 1385-1406.

Goldin-Meadow, S., Nusbaum, H., Kelly, S., & Wagner, S. (2001)Explaining math: Gesturing lightens the load. Psychological Science 12, 516-522.

Goldin-Meadow, S. & McNeill, D. (1999). The role of gesture and mimetic representation in making language the province of speech. Corballis, M. C. & Lea, S. E. G. (Eds). The descent of mind: Psychological perspectives on hominid evolution (pp. 155-172). New York: Oxford University Press.

Goldin-Meadow, S., McNeill, D., & Singleton, J. (1996). Silence is liberating: Removing the handcuffs on grammatical expression in the manual modality. Psychological Review 103, 34-55.

Goldin-Meadow, S., Mylander, C., & Butcher, C. (1995). The resilience of combinatorial stucture at the word level: Morphology in self-styled gesture systems. Cognition 56, 195-262.

Iverson, J. M., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2001). The resilience of gesture in talk: Gesture in blind speakers and listeners. Developmental Science 4, 416-422.

Kimbara, I. (2006). On gestural mimicry. Gesture 6, 39-61.

Levy, E. T., & McNeill, D. (1992). Speech, gesture, and discourse. Discourse Processes 15, 277-301.

Nobe, S. (1996). Representational gestures, cognitive rhythms, and acoustic aspects of speech: a network/threshold model of gesture production.Dissertation, University of Chicago.

Park-Doob, M. (2001). Deconstructing 'Topic': Relevance, Consciousness, and the Momentum of Ideas. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Chicago, Department of Linguistics. PDF

Parrill, F. & Kimbara, I. (Accepted). Seeing and hearing double: The influence of mimicry in speech and gesture on observers. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.

Parrill, F. (2005). The visible and the vocal: speech and gesture on a continuum of communicative action. Review of Adam Kendon's Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance. Sign Language Studies 6: 197-219.

Parrill, F. (In Press). The Hands are part of the package: Gesture, common ground, and information packaging. In J. Newman & S. Rice (Eds.), Empirical and Experimental Methods in Cognitive/Functional Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Parrill, F. (Forthcoming). Form, meaning and convention: An experimental examination of metaphoric gestures. In A. Cienki & C. Müller (Eds.), Metaphor and Gesture. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Parrill, F. & Sweetser, E. (2004). What we mean by meaning: Conceptual Integration in gesture analysis and transcription. Gesture 4, 197-219.

Stam, G. (2001). Lexical failure and gesture in second language development. In Cavé, C., Guaïtella, I. & Santi, S. (Eds.). Oralité at Gestualité: Interactions et Comportements Multimodaux Dans La Communication (271-275 ). Paris: L'Harmattan.

Stam, G. (1998). Changes in Patterns of Thinking about Motion with L2 Acquisition. In Cavé, C., Guaïtella, I. & Santi, S. (Eds.). Oralité at Gestualité: Communication Multimodale, Interaction (615-619). Paris: L'Harmattan.